Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Reading about Acorns

Yesterday we went to the library for Story Time and then looked for a 'few' more books to check out on acorns, fall, and airplanes. Well, when we went to check them out, I realized I did not have the library card with me. I felt bad, because we had our books and the kids were excited about the ones they had picked out.  So, I took a leap of faith, and decided to take advantage of the comfy chairs in the kids section and made ourselves comfortable there.  Wish I had taken a picture, but in my mental picture I can see the small round table covered with books and dvds. My kids sitting around me trying to see all the pictures while listening to the stories. 

Two of my favorite books we read were on acorns. If you have a library nearby, pick them up, because I am sure you and your kids will love them!!! 

The first book  we read is called Aw, Nuts by Rob McClurkan.

This is such a cute book geared to kids in preschool and kindergarten age.  It tells the story of a squirrel that is saving all his nuts away in an Oak tree, until he spots the perfect, one-of-a-kind acorn. Of course, he wants it right away and that's when the adventure begins. The writer tells us all the places the squirrel ended up going while trying to catch up the acorn. However, each time he almost had it, the acorn got away and the squirrel said "Aw, Nuts!"

It was so funny that even my kids were saying "Aw, Nuts!" the rest of the day and today as they were thinking about the squirrel.   It's a quick read that will bring lots of smiles to you and your kids.

 The second book, The Oak Inside the Acorn by Max Lucado tells a much deeper story of an acorn that didn't know what was going to become of him. Throughout the story, we hear the acorn remembering the words of his Mother "Within you is a great oak. Just be the tree God made you to be."

Max Lucado did a great job telling us the story of how that acorn was going to become something great. Moreover, he teaches through his book, that everything in God's creation AND everyone in His Creation has a purpose. Sometimes we can't see it right away, but God can already see it, because He already knows what it's going to be.

I recommend this book for teaching children that God's purpose for them, no matter how small they are. 

Other recommended titles through Amazon (affiliate links):

Hope you enjoy these titles! Let me know if there are any books related to acorns that you like so we can find them and read them at home too! 

Happy Reading!

~ Fabi

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